
Showing posts from June, 2017

Family members che lavorano e Family members che non lavorano nel Family Business

Gli interessi dei membri di aziende familiari (family members) che prestano la propria attività lavorativa all’interno dell’azienda di famiglia (family business) possono differire e molto spesso differiscono da quelli dei membri che non vi lavorano. Di seguito solo alcuni dei possibili interessi dei “family members” che lavorano all’interno del “family business”: - consolidare nel tempo il proprio potere economico e decisionale; - massimizzare la propria remunerazione; - m antenere il massimo controllo sulle risorse patrimoniali e finanziarie dell’azienda; - e vitare l’erogazione di dividendi anche al fine di perseguire l’autofinanziamento dell’azienda; - mantenere la massima stabilità nel controllo di voto in capo ai family members attraverso vincoli di trasferimento dei diritti di partecipazione nel family business; - limitare il flusso informativo sulle attività del family business allo stretto indispensabile; - evitare per quanto possibile il contro...

Family members who work and Family members who don't work inside the family business

Interests of the family members working inside the family business may differ and very often differ from those of the members who don’t work inside the family business. The following are just a few examples of possible interests of family members who work inside  the family business: - to consolidate over time their own economic and decision-making power; - to maximize their own remuneration; - to keep the strictest control over corporate assets and financial resources; - to avoid the distribution of dividends also to pursue corporate self-financing; - to keep the highest degree of stability in the controlling voting share of family members by the means of constrains to the circulation of participation rights in the family business; - to keep to a minimum the information about activities of the family business; - to avoid as far as possible the control by family members who don’t work inside the family business; The following are just a few ex...